
Monday, February 12, 2007

Increase Search Engine Rankings Using These Easy Tricks

So you have a ranking in a search engine but it's not quite what you expected, right? Well there are a few tips for ranking higher and I'm going to share those with you today so listen up.

Rank Booster #1 Increase Your Reciprocal Links

This is a time tested approach and it works in both Directories such as Yahoo! and also in Spider Search Engines such as Google.

What you do is setup a link trading directory and make categories just like a mini Yahoo! except you have them all relate to your market. This provides keyword density and it also gives your link popularity a big boost.

But please be warned that if you just go and get any links you can (i.e. untargeted links) you will be penalized rather than rewarded in your rankings.

It's much better to get just a few high ranking link partners verses hundreds of unrelated and untargeted ones.

Rank Booster #2 Add More Content

This is a great technique that also works in both Directories and Spider Search Engines. By adding more content you will keep people who click over to your site there longer and this gets your ranking up in the Directories such as Yahoo! because they track how long a visitor stays at your site. If they click their back button then you will be shown as a site which doesn't help the visitor which will decrease your rank.

You will get a higher ranking on the Spider Search Engines such as Google because they spider through your whole site seeing how many pages there are and this increases your ranking because you have more information there for there visitors.

Both Directories and Search Engines love content and track how long people are staying at your pages which in turn also increases or decreases your rank based on how long they stay. If they stay longer, your rank goes up. If they click the back button immediately, your rank goes down.

Rank Booster #3 Improve Your Sites Load Time

This is another that works with both Spider Search Engines and Directories. This will improve your ranking in Directories because it will keep more of the visitors that click over to your site there longer. Internet users want information and they want it now. If your site loads like molasses then they are going to leave. Directories track how long a visitor stays at your site and rank you accordingly. If a visitor leaves immediately then you're rank goes down because your site was tagged as "not useful".

It will improve your ranking in Spider Search Engines because the spiders check for load time and load speed is part of the ranking system when they calculate relevance of a site.

Rank Booster #4 Improve Your Keyword Density

This one only works for Spider Search Engines. The reason is because Directories only review & list you once so you can change your keyword density after they list you but the review and placement of your site has already happened.

It works great in Spider Search Engines because they continually spider your site analyzing & updating your listing according to what it finds.

If you need a better listing then utilize these strategies in helping you boost your rank today. They work and although they all take time, you will see a difference.

These are much easier tactics than you will find in big, complicated SEO courses and there's a good chance that they may just bump your position up.

Get to work and start using them now.

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